The widget in real-time mode displays the liquidations going through the market.

Widget appearance

Widget appearance

Widget Placement

To add the "Liquidations" tool to your workspace, first click on the "Widget menu" button at the top of the platform. Then click on the button with the same name in the "Microstructure" section.

Widget location

Widget location

Access to the model depending on the tariff

The model is available on all subscription versions.

Basic Trader Pro
+ + +

Tool Functionality

Liquidations is a classic tool that displays information about all past liquidations on Binance Futures futures contracts in real time. The user has the ability to track all past liquidations up to minimum lot orders.

The visualization model has 2 color values:

  1. Green shows SHORT position liquidations.
  2. Red shows LONG position liquidations.

Color indication

Color indication

Two filters are used in the widget:

  1. filter by tool;
  2. filter by volume (in USDT).

Liquidations filters

Liquidations filters

The default filter value by tool is not filled in. This means that Liquidations will receive liquidations for all traded perpetual USDT-Margin contracts. The user can select both a separate asset and several assets at once. In this case, Liquidations will only receive the marked contracts.