The model detects manipulative activity on the micro timeframe.

Widget appearance

Widget appearance

Widget Location

To add the "Manipulation monitor" tool to the workspace, first click on the "Widget menu" button in the platform header. Then click on the button with the same name in the "Microstructure" section.

Widget location

Widget location

Access to the model depending on the tariff

The model is available on the Trader and Pro tariffs.

Basic Trader Pro
- + +

Functionality of the tool

The Manipulation monitor tool is very easy to perceive, as the assessment of manipulative activity is reduced to a number and visualized in a familiar graphic form, which allows experienced traders to conduct a correlation assessment to build their own strategies.

The widget gives the user 3 charts on a second timeframe.

The first chart is the price change. The widget converts the absolute values of the price of the asset under consideration into a percentage scale. The oldest value in the visible range is taken as the reference point.

Price change chart

Price change chart

The second graph is the manipulation activity in the asset price.

The third graph is the manipulation activity in the trading volume of the asset.

The scales of the second and third graphs are reduced to percentages from 0% to 100%, where 0% corresponds to the absence of manipulations, and 100% - extreme manipulation activity. In turn, the percentage scale also has its gradation depending on the value of the manipulation activity: