The model captures assets with the highest probability of pumps.

Widget appearance

Widget appearance

Widget Placement

To add the "Pre-pump detector" tool to your workspace, first click on the "Widget menu" button at the top of the platform. Then press the button with the same name in the "Microstructure" section.

Widget location

Widget location

Access to the model depending on the tariff

The model is available on the Pro tariff.

Basic Trader Pro
- - +

Tool Functionality

Pre-pump detector is a scanner that in real-time shows assets which are more likely to pump compared to the broader market.

The user receives the data in a table. The widget table has the following data columns:

  1. Column for adding/removing a traded asset to/from the favorites list ⭐
  2. Pencil - draw the level of the found signal on the chart.
  3. SYMBOL - the ticker name for which the signal came.
  4. SIGNAL - classification of the signal type (triangle - volume delta anomalies, circle - volume anomalies, square - deal intensity anomalies).
  5. TIME - time of signal arrival.
  6. PRICE - the asset price at the time the signal arrived.

Pre-pump detector header

Pre-pump detector header

The widget has a filter by tool. The filter value by tool is not filled in by default. This means that Pre-pump detector will receive signals from all traded perpetual USDT-Margin contracts. A user can choose either a single asset or several assets at once. In this case, Pre-pump detector will receive signals only from the marked coins.