Smart scanner of maximums and minimums of cryptocurrency asset prices

Widget appearance

Widget appearance

Widget Location

To add the "Smart High&Low" tool to your workspace, first click on the "Widget menu" button at the top of the platform. Then click on the button with the same name in the "Technical section"

Widget location

Widget location

Access to the model

The model is available on all subscription versions.

Basic Trader Pro
+ + +

Widget Functionality

Smart High&Low is a scanner that finds the maximum and minimum prices and alerts users when approaching these levels. The data is provided in table form.

The model visualization has 2 color values:

  1. Minimums are marked in red.
  2. Maximums are marked in green.

The widget uses two filters:

  1. Filter by instrument;
  2. Timeframe filter.

Smart High&Low fliters

Smart High&Low fliters

The default filter value for the instrument is not filled in. This means that in Smart high&low, signals about the approach/update of maximums and minimums for all traded perpetual USDT-Margin contracts will be received. The user can select either a single asset or several assets at once. In this case, only marked contracts will come to Smart High&Low.

Symbol selection window

Symbol selection window